艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:3236858




    Wang Guangyi. Born in Harbin, China (1957). Graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts (formerly the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts), Hangzhou, China。 (1984)
    In 1980s, he attended and organized North Art Group, in 1990s, he create Great Criticism series which have wide influence in international art world. Selected group exhibition: China Avant-garde (1989), 45th Venice Biennale (1993), 22ed Sao Paulo Art Biennial (1994), Aperto 95, Avant-gardes Artistiques Xinesses in Santa Monica Center d'Art (1995), Begegnungen mit China in Ludwig Forum Fur International Kunst (1996), Magie der Zahl-In der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts in Staatsgalerie (1997), Alors, La Chine? in Pompidou Art Center, China, the Body Everywhere? In MAC Marseille (2004) , Reshaping History in China International Exhibition Center (2010), Art Changsha in Hunan (2015) , BUSAN BIENNALE (2016), "Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World", in Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York/Bilbao, US;Selected Solo Exhibition: Cold War Aesthetics - Wang Guangyi in Louise Blouin Institute of Louise Blouin Foundation (The U.K), Things-In-Itself: Utopia, Pop and Personal Theology in Today Art Museum (China), Visual Polity: Another Wang Guangyi in OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (China), Wang Guangyi, Viaggio in Museo di Villa Rufolo (Italy), Wang Guangyi - Relics of Believers MAC contemporary Art Museum (Spain), Image Correction - Wang Guangyi Museum of Contemporary Art (Singapore), Northern Temperature - Wang Guangyi, Museum of Luxun Academic of Fine Arts., Wang Guangyi, United Art Museum in Wuhan, Reunion: Poetry and Philosophy – Exhibition of The Art of Zhang Xiaogang and Wang Guangyi, Prague City Gallery, Prauge, Czech;Wang Guangyi: Research on Popular Anthropology, XUNWAY Art Space, Tongji University, Shanghai, China;Wang Guangyi: Research on Popular Anthropology, National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia.etc.
4月,“王广义-通俗人类学研究”,同济大学 巽艺术中心,中国上海;
4月,“列奥纳多之后的‘最后的晚餐’”,Stelline 基金会,意大利米兰;
9月,“王广义-通俗人类学研究”,亚美尼亚国家美术馆,亚美尼亚 埃里文;
Wang Guangyi: Research on Popular Anthropology, XUNWAY Art Space, Tongji University, Shanghai, China;
Wang Guangyi: Research on Popular Anthropology, National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia;
The Last Supper After Leonardo, Fondazione Stelline, Milano, Italy;
11月,“艺术史 40×40:从四十位艺术家看改革开放四十年的中国当代艺术”,宝龙美术馆,中国上海;
Reunion: Poetry and Philosophy – Exhibition of The Art of Zhang Xiaogang and Wang Guangyi, Prague City Gallery, Prauge, Czech;
Contemporary Artists Manuscript Invitation Exhibiiton,Museum of Art College South China Normal University , Guangzhou, China;
Approaching the Manuscript – Nine Chinese Contemporary Artists' Manuscript,Sanyuhui Art Space, Guangzhou, China;
Contemporary Sculpture Art Works from Xin Dong Cheng Collection, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan China;
Contemporary Chaos,Vestfossen Kunstalboration, Milano, Italy;
Art and China after 1989, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain;
Assembling, chi K11 Art Space, Shenyang, China ;
United Art Museum Collection Exhibition, United Art Museum, Wuhan, China;
Tunrning Point – 48 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art, Long Art Museum, Shanghai, China;
The Road of Avant-Garde, Shenzhen Nanshan Museum, Shenzhen, China;
Our Actions are Our Future – A Zero Hunger World By 2030 is Possible, The Enjoy Museum of Art, Beijing, China;
Shaped By 40 Artists Art History, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China;
“安仁双年展——今日之往昔 ”,安仁华侨城,中国成都;
METAMORPHOSIS: Huang Zhuan Memorial Invitational Exhibition , OCAT Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China;
Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA;
Anren Biennale – Today’s Yesterday, Anren Over see Chinese Town, Chengdu, China;
Observations of Artistic Practices in East Asia at the Transition between the 1980s and the 1990s, Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, Chi;
Special Exhibition of the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return , Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, China;
The Model of the World: Zhangzhou International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Zhangzhou, China;
The New Frontiers of Painting,Steline Foundation, Milano, Italy;
Image Correction - Wang Guangyi, Museum of Contemporary Art, Singapore;
Northern Temperature - Wang Guangyi, Museum of Luxun Academic of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China;
Wang Guangyi Existence And Transcendence,United ArtMuseum, Wuhan, China;
Working in collusion- First E’mei Ivitation Exhibiton of International Contemporary Art, E’mei, China;
An Exhibition about Exhibitions: Displaying Contemporary Art in 1990s, OCAT, Beijing, China;
Working in collusion- First E’mei Ivitation Exhibiton of International Contemporary Art, E’mei, China;
Art Historical Flashbacks: Another Path in Chinese Contemporary Art, Elion Art Gallery, Beijing, China;
Models – The Visual Experience and Cultural Identity of Chinese Mordenity, Elion Art Gallery, Beijing, China;
Busan Biennale, Busan, Korea;
3rd Nanjing International Arts Festival ‘Historicode: Scarcity and Supply’, Baijia Lake Art Museum, Nanjing, China;
“La Sindone e l’impronta dell’arte”,桑塞波尔克罗美术馆,意大利阿雷佐;
Ritual series;
Relics of Believers;
The Origin of the Gods;
Wang Guangyi - Relics of Believers, MAC contemporary Art Museum, A Coruna, Spain;
The 5th Art Changsha - China: Bridges To/ Bridges From History, Technology, Poetry, And Grace, Tan Guobin Contemporary Art Museum, Changsha, China;
Wang Guangyi, Opera Gallery, Dubai;
Loitering Spirit:A Tribute to Paul Gauguin-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tahiti;
Breaking the Image: Methods in the Treatment of Imagery by Contemporary Artists From China, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing, China;
La Sindone e l’impronta dell’arte, Museo Civico di Sansepolcro, Arezzo, Italy;
The Civil Power: Beijing Minsheng Art Museum OpeningExhibition, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Northern Artist Group Archival Exhibition, North Art Group, Kong Kong, China;
Displaying Fragments: Ten Years of OCAT (2005 - 2015), OCAT, Beijing, China;
Men in Meditating series(2013-2014);
Implosion and Crises: International Forum on experimental art of Wang Guangyi, Museum of Xinan Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China;
Wang Guangyi, Viaggio in Italia, Museo di Villa Rufolo, Salerno, Italy;
Negatives of Idols - Wang Guangyi, Spring Art Center, Beijing, China;
Hanart 100: Idiosyncrasies, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong;
8+1-A Project of Experimental Art, Guangdong Contemporary Art Center, Guangzhou, China;
Post Pop: East Meets West, 2014, Saatchi Gallery, London;
Sindone series;
Passage to History: 20 Years of La Biennale di Venezia and Chinese Contemporary Art, Venice, Italy;
Sacred Object;
Things-In-Itself: Utopia, Pop and Personal Theology, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Wang Guangyi: Cold War Aesthetic(Shanghai Pujiang Oversea Chinese Town Public Art Project), Pujiang Oversea Chinese Town, Shanghai, China;
The 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennial: Serendipitous Information-Art is Not a System-Nor is it World, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
Visual Archives of Chinese Contemporary - Wang Guangyi . The Interactive Mirror Image, Tank Loft-Chongqing Contemporary Art center, Chongqing, China;
Museum on Paper: 12 Chinese Artists, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art (ICCA), Beijing, China;
Pure Views: New Painting from China, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, USA;
Chengdu Biennale - Pure Views: Contemporary Art Exhibition, Chengdu, China;
Collecting History: China New Art, Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum, China;
Little Movements: Self Practice in Contemporary Art, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
“Made in Pop Land”,韩国国立现代美术馆,韩国首尔;
Gurus series;
New Religion - The Last Supper;
New Religion – Prophecy;
The Age of Dolly;
Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009, China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
Pure Views, Louise Blouin Institute of Louise Blouin Foundation, London, The U.K.;
Art for the World: The Sculpture Project of the EXPO Boulevard in the World EXPO 2010, Shanghai, China;
Chinese Contemporary Art From 1979-2009, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China;
The Constructed Dimension: 2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, National Museum of China, Beijing, China;
Minimum, Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Made in Pop Land, Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea;
Scene – a "creative action" engaged upon the invitation of the German Ambassador to China to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall;
A collateral Event of 53rd International Art Exhibition-La Biennale di Venezia-A Gift to Marco Polo, Venice, Italy;
State Legacy: A Visual History Project on the State Concept, Manchester Institute Research and Innovation of Art and Design; OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
Chinamania, Arken Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Yi Pai, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Collision-Experimental Cases of Contemporary Chinese Art, Fine Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China;
Visual Polity: Another Wang Guangyi, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
Cold War Aesthetics - Wang Guangyi, Louise Blouin Institute of Louise Blouin Foundation, London, The U.K.;
Case Studies of Artists in Art History , SZ Art Center, Beijing, China;
Writing On The Wall: Chinese New Realism and Avantgarde in the Eighties and Nineties, Groninger Museum, The Netherlands Today's China, Bellevue Museum, Brussels, Belgium;
Encounter, Pace Beijing Gallery, China;
Red, Smooth and Luminescent Contemporary Expression, Xindong Cheng Gallery, Beijing, China;
Avant-garde China: Twenty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan; The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan; Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan;
People-History - Exhibition of Studies of Chinese Art of the 20th Century, Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
The Revolution Continues - New Art From China, The Saatchi Gallery, The U.K.;
East Wind – Golden Dragon;
Cold War Aesthetic Series;
Wang Guangyi, Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Paris, France;
We Are Your Future: Special Project in Moscow Biennale 2007,Moscow, Russia;
Chinese Contemporary Sots Art, The State Tretykov Gallery,Moscow, Russia;
Post-Martial Law vs. Post-’89: The Contemporary Art In Taiwan and China, Taiwan Museum of Art, China;
RED HOT: Asian Art Today,Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The USA;
SH Contemporary 2007-Best of Artists, Shanghai Exhibition Center, ShangHai, China;
Forms of Concepts: 2nd Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts, Hubei Art Scene, Wuhan, China;
The Supplemental History : Contemporary Artworks from Collection of Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China;
'85 New Wave: the Birth of Chinese Contemporary Art, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China;
1997-2007 Awakening from a Ten- Year Long Sleep, Hejingyuan Art Center, Beijing, China;
Absolute Images II, Arario New York Gallery, New York, The USA;
Escape By Crafty Scheme: Salvation From Traditional And Revolutional Language, Square Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nanjing, China;
Sport in Art 2007 - 2008, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China; Art Museum of Guangzhou Art Academy, China; RCM the Museum of Modern Art, Nanjing, China; Gallery of Luxun Art Academy, Shenyang, China; Sichuan FineArts Museum, China; Today Art Museum, Beijing, China;
“创造历史:中国20 世纪80 年代现代艺术纪念展”,OCT当代艺术中心,中国深圳;
Cold War Aesthetic;
Wang Guangyi, Arario Seoul Gallery, Seoul, South Korea;
Jiang Hu, Tilton Gallery, New York, The USA;
Absolute Images I, Arario Seoul Gallery, Korea;
Plato and His Seven Spirit, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
From "The Frigid Zone" to "The Old Indus trial Area": Northeast Contemporary Art Exhibition of China 1985-2006, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China;
The Blossoming of Realism: The Oil Painting of Mainland China since 1978, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, China;
Create History: Commemoration Exhibition of Chinese Modern Art in 1980s, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
The Matchstick of Anderson;
Private Advertisement;
Hand of God;
Body Temperature: Invoking the Legacy of Hans ChristianAnderson through Chinese Contemporary Art, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark;
Invitation Exhibition: Opening Ceremony of OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China;
Open 2005 - 8th International Exhibition of Sculpture and Installation, Lido, Venice, Italy;
Beautiful Cynicism, Arario Beijing Gallery, China;
Always to the Front: China Contemporary Art, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei National Musuem of the Arts, Taipei, China;
“OCT当代艺术中心开幕邀请展”,OCT 当代艺术中心,中国深圳;
Methodology of People's War;
Wang Guangyi, Urs Meile Gallery, Lucerne, Switzerland;
China, the Body Everywhere? (Chine, Le corps partout?), Museum of Contemporary Art, Marseilles, France;
Art on the Beach: Sculptures, Gallery Enrico Navarra, Paris, France; HanArt TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, China; ADAGP, Paris, France;
Shining Forever Series;
Wang Guangyi, Enrico Navarra Gallery, Paris, France;
Alors, La Chine?, Pompidou Art Center, Paris, France;
From China with Art-The Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia;
An Opening Era: Celebration of 40th Anniversary of Founding of National Museum of China, National Museum of China, Beijing, China;
CP Open Biennale 2003, National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia;
Beyond Boundaries, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China;
The History of a Newspaper;
The Power of Image, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China;
Chinese Modernity, Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
Paris-Peking, Espace Cardin, Paris, France;
Take Part Ⅱ , Urs Meile Gallery, Lucerne, Switzerland;
Media and Arts, International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
Golden Harvest: Chinese Contemporary Art, Zagreb Museum of Art, Hrvatska;
The First China Triennial, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, China;
Concept Image: 2002 China Modern Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China;
The First Guangzhou Triennial : Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990- 2000), Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China;
“巴黎—北京”,ESPACE CARDIN,法国巴黎;
“Take Part Ⅱ”,乌斯麦勒画廊,瑞士卢塞恩;
Materialists Series;
Basic Education;
The Laborer Monument;
Wang Guangyi: Face of Faith,Soobin Art Int'l Gallery, Singapore;
Towards New Image:20 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art, National Museum of China, Beijing, China. etc;
Polypolis: Art from Asian Pacific Megacities, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Germany;
Next Generation: Art Contemporain d’Asie, Passage de Retz, Paris, France;
5 Chinese Avant-garde Artists, Artside Gallery, Seoul, Korea;
Transplantation in Situ, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China;
The Era of Materialism;
Face of Faith Series;
Door of the New Century, Chengdu Art Scene, Chengdu, China;
Society: The 2nd Academic Exhibition Upriver Gallery, Upriver Gallery, Chengdu, China;
20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, National Museum of China, Beijing, China;
Futuroe: Chinese Contemporary Art, Contemporary Art Center of Macau, Macau, China;
Inside Out-New Chinese Art 1998-2000, Asia Society Galleries, New York, The USA; P.S.1 Contemporary ArtCenter, New York, The USA; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, The USA; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Monterrey, Mexico; Tacoma Art Museum and the Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, The USA;
24-Hour Food Degeneration Process;
Magie der Zahl-In der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany;
Chinese Art of The 1990s: Faces and Bodies of The Middle Kingdom, Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague, the Czech Republic;
Red and Grey-8 Avant-garde Chinese Artists, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore;
Quotation Marks, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore;
In and Out, LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore; Arts Gallery of Sydney College, Australia; He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China;
Blood Test-Everyone is a Potential Virus Carrier;
Quarantine-All Food is Potentially Poisonous;
The Similarities and Differences of Food Guarantees under Two Political Systems;
Origin of Species - the History of European civilization;
Witnessed - Wang Guangyi, Littmann Kulturprojekte, Basel, Switzerland;
Begegnungen mit China, Ludwig Forum Fur International Kunst, Germany;
China!, Kunst Museum Bonn, Germany;
The Second Asia-pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia;
The First Academic Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, National Museum of China, Beijing, China; The ArtMuseum of Capital Normal University, Beijing, China;
New Media – Beijing Hutong Garbage Cart;
Art to Swatch, Museum of Architecture and Design, Chicago, The USA;
New Asian Art Show-China, Korea, Japan, Kilin Plaza, Osaka;Foundation Forum, Tokyo, Japan;
Der Abschied Von Der Ideologie, Neue Kunst Aus China, Hamburg, Germany;
Aperto 95, Avant-gardes Artistiques Xinesses, Santa Monica Center d’Art, Barcelona, Spain;
Freedom of Choice;
Wang Guangyi, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, China;
22ed Sao Paulo Art Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
94 Beijing International Com-Art Show: China, Korea, Japan, The Art Museum of Capital Normal University,Beijing, China;
600 Seoul International Art Festival, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea;
“第4 届威尼斯双年展”,意大利威尼斯;
45th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy;
Mao Goes Pop, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney,Australia; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia;
China's New Art, Marlborough Gallery, London,United Kingdom;
China's New Art, Post-1989, Hong Kong Arts Center, Hong; Kong, China; "Political Pop, China's New Art":HanArt Taipei Gallery, Taipei, China; "New Art from China":Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, The U.K;
China Avant-garde, Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, Berlin,Germany; Kunsthal Rotterdam, The Netherlands; The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford.The U.K.; Kunsthallen Brandts Kladefabrik, Odense, Denmark;
The 1st Biennial of Art in the 1990s,Guangzhou International Exhibition Center, China;
Cocart Bevete Arte Contemporarea,Bianca Pilat Gallery, Milan, Italy;
Wang transfers to the Wuhan Polytechnic University as an instructor; He becomes interested in cultural conflict and the aesthetics of deconstructionism;
Great Criticism Series;
Chinese Thermometer;
Comparison between Chinese and American Temperature;
I Don't Want to Play Cards with Cezanne,Asian Pacific Museum, California, The USA;
Inflammable and Explosive;
Famous paintings Covered with Industrial Quick Drying Paint Series;
International Politics Series;
China Avant-garde, National Museum of China, Beijing, China;
Wang participates in the Huangshan Conference on Modern Art, where he presents his artistic viewpoint "On the Clearing Out of the Humanist Passions" He begins to consider the idea that art must be connected to real life;
Chinese Contemporary, Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Japan;
Red Rationality Series;
Black Rationality Series;
Wang transfers to the Zhuhai Painting Academy as a professional painter. He becomes interested in researching the possibility of the "schema correction" of classical culture in the modern conscious. He organizes the "'85 New Wave Slide Exhibition and Academic Symposium" together with Shu Qun, Gao Minglu and Li Xianting;
Post Classical Series;
Upon graduation, Wang takes a job as a teacher at the Harbin Polytechnic University Academy of Architecture. He founds the Northern Artists Group together with Shu Qun, Ren Jian and Liu Yan, which ponders the potential significance of the local culture; During this time, new artist Groups emerge across the country;
Frozen North Pole Series;
Wang is admitted into the China Academy of Art (formerly Zhejiang Academy) Oil Painting Department; In four years at college, Wang mainly studies classical art, becoming interested in modern art later on. Wang creates his graduate thesis work, Snow, and attends the 6th National Fine Art Exhibition;
Wang joins a railway construction brigade. During this time, the college entrance examination system is restored, and he spends his spare time studying for the exam and preparing to apply to art school;
Upon graduation from middle school, Wang is sent tot he countryside as an "educated youth"; his reeducation takes place at the Yongle Commune in Zhaozhou County, Heilongjiang Province; In his spare time, Wang paints a large number of landscape paintings and sketch; he also encounters many literary works;
Wang attends middle school; he begins proper artistic training with art classes at the Harbin Children's Palace;
Wang attends primary school in Harbin; his artistic studies begin with the drawing of "blackboard bulletins" for his school;
Born in Harbin, China
  • 2010年 作品《****——红格 2号/***: Red Squares No. 2》《护照1号/Passport No.1》《护照/Passport》《***——香奈儿/Great Criticism: Chanel》,乌利·希克uli sigg;
  • 1992年 “90年代艺术双年展”文献奖;
